by SadServersMore by SadServers
<p>The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manualladmin@i-0e78d8c54dffc14fe:~$ curl -XGET localhost:5000/admin <!doctype html> <html lang=en> <title>404 Not Found</title> <h1>Not Found</h1> <p>The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manualladmin@i-0e78d8c54dffc14fe:~$ curl -XGET localhost:5000/foob <!doctype html> <html lang=en> <title>404 Not Found</title> <h1>Not Found</h1> <p>The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manualladmin@i-0e78d8c54dffc14fe:~$ curl -XGET localhost:5000/../ Unauthorizedadmin@i-0e78d8c54dffc14fe:~$ curl -XGET localhost:5000/../..
paris/i-0e78d8c54dffc14fe 06:33
by SadServers✔ Container rabbitmq-cluster-docker-master-haproxy-1 Removed ✔ Container rabbitmq-cluster-docker-master-rabbitmq3-1 Removed ✔ Container rabbitmq-cluster-docker-master-rabbitmq2-1 Removed ✔ Container rabbitmq-cluster-docker-master-rabbitmq1-1 Removed ✔ Network rabbitmq-cluster-docker-master_default Removed admin@i-0963eaf70c751a286:~/rabbitmq-cluster-docker-master$ less ~/ admin@i-0963eaf70c751a286:~/rabbitmq-cluster-docker-master$ nano cluster-entrypoadmin@i-0963eaf70c751a286:~/rabbitmq-cluster-docker-master$ docker compose up -d[+] Running 5/5 ✔ Network rabbitmq-cluster-docker-master_default Created ✔ Container rabbitmq-cluster-docker-master-rabbitmq1-1 Started ✔ Container rabbitmq-cluster-docker-master-rabbitmq3-1 Started ✔ Container rabbitmq-cluster-docker-master-rabbitmq2-1 Started ✔ Container rabbitmq-cluster-docker-master-haproxy-1 Started (reverse-i-search)`log': docker compose logs -f
chennai/i-0963eaf70c751a286 12:58
by SadServersjq: error: syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting FORMAT or QQSTRING_START ( [] jq: 1 compile error cat: write error: Broken pipe admin@i-0dd4c6d11b9f6dd00:~$ cat station_information.json | jq -c '.data.stationjq: error: syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting FORMAT or QQSTRING_START ( [] jq: 1 compile error cat: write error: Broken pipe admin@i-0dd4c6d11b9f6dd00:~$ cat station_information.json | jq -c '.data.stationjq: error: syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting FORMAT or QQSTRING_START ([] jq: 1 compile error cat: write error: Broken pipe admin@i-0dd4c6d11b9f6dd00:~$